Donate for reforestation
Help a reforestation project in Peru
We are privately conserving rainforest and reforesting degraded pasture land in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest . We have planted thousands of fruiting trees and palms from Brazil nuts to acai palms.
Upkeep is expensive as we create the favorable conditions for these trees to grow. Our work capabilities are directly tied to the revenue made from tourism.
In a time of global instability, Low returns means no reforestation projects, As CEO of Otorongo, I do not have a salary and will only take home a minimal amount during our high traffic season.
Most important aside from all this is that my employees and clients are content.
I find myself in a bind, if you can help out, please do!
Currently, we have a 80% survival rate of our Brazil nuts that have been planted. Many are over 20ft tall already after 8 years of growth!
We need to clean transects, cut down oppressively fast growing trees to promote the intended growth of our planted species.