Amazon River Level Descending

The Amazon River level is descending.This region of the Amazon River is that of a braided manner with Islands and channels all up and down its longitude, those who have easy access during high water will find themselves high and dry during this season. The tributaries and channels dry up almost completely where not even a small canoe could breach the interior.  This is bad news for fish, good news for fishermen *at least temporarily .  Hopefully the drought will not persist , these dry spells really take a toll on the vegetation.It is truly a wonder to watch the dynamics of the river year in and out. To see whole beaches disappear and pop up somewhere else downstream. Or the massive amounts of erosion of  previously deposited soils that host primary communities of forest. How old must that lowland be to have those gigantic trees growing on the collapsing edges. You would be surprised to know that some areas of the lowland Amazon Forest are actually quite young. The haphazard meandering of the river creates and destroys thousands of kilometers a year, eroding here but building there. Low water season for the Amazon River


Responsible Tourism in the Amazon and Iquitos


Those are not Indians!