Amazon River Levels Feb 22’
We can expect a sharp increase of the water levels in the lower reaches of the Peruvian Amazon River Basin in the coming weeks. The main rivers that supply the trunk near Iquitos are ascending rapidly. The water from these rivers (Huallaga, Marañón and Ucayali) can take several weeks to reach Iquitos and there is nothing that can stop it.
Locals in the Iquitos region have been experiencing unseasonal low water level the start of the year but that is all set to change in the coming weeks.
One great advantage to the stalling of flood waters is it gives lowland locals a fighting chance to harvest 100% of the rice that is planted on the mudflats of the Amazon River. Many years in a row, the floods came all too fast and destroyed much of the rice that is planted in the low lands. Rice is a main staple in Peru and the premature flooding has a negative affect on the price and quantity of rice that is available for consumption/sale.
Look below to see the Hydrograph created by the Peruvian navy. Access their official site through this link The black lines are current levels
What does all this mean for our Amazon River Lodge Guests?
We are right now (02/18/22 ) at an awkward transition where the water is just high enough to prevent us from hiking in the lowlands but not high enough to navigate a boat through the flooded forest. This will last only a week or so as the water level swells and access by boat is possible
No need to worry though, our excellent staff at the Amazon River Lodge knows the intricacies and tricks to navigate and explore during these transition times.
Rest assured, we know where the pink dolphins and sloths are hanging out.
Fishing becomes a little more complicated but can have its advantages as well.
Quick fact- during the flood season, many fish like the pacu and gamitana evolved with the flooded forest habitat and rely on annual seed rains falling into the water . These fish have such good sense of smell underwater, they can tell where the ripe fruits are falling.
Make sure to contact us for any information regarding a trip on the Amazon River, We are the #1 ecotourism choice for the region!